Sunday, August 31, 2008

A Day That is Today...

I have no title. i'm probably going to just call them Blog Entry # from now on or something, i dont know.

It is early, i know, but i just wanted to share with EVERYONE!!! I got a new pet. He is a Beta Fish. He is red. I named him Crimson. My mother got him at the wedding she went to. Fish was the center piece for the tables at the reception. Yes, this is short but i dont give a damn.

I just started reading this book, its called Night Road by A.M. Jenkins. I've never heard of him before, nor have i ever read his books, but this is a book that is kind of like vampires, but they use the word Hemovores, which is some other spieces that have the same symptoms of a vampire. It okay, i'm only on chapter 4 so nothing has really happened.

1 comment:

Watching said...

Wow fish are cool. The last time I had a fish it was in the fourth grade. I liked it a lot, but it died after eating my twin sisters fish... I didn't know fish could eat other fish. It wasn't even a japanese fighting fish, just a plain old goldfish... I haven't heard of Night Road before. I hope you like it though.