Sunday, September 21, 2008

Blog Entry # #

Okay....what haven't i said in the past few posts....

I went to a movie yesterday and saw Ghost Town. I thought it would be a scary movie, but it was rather hilarious. It was about this guy who HATED people, i am serious, he just completely wanted all people dead. Well, you should see the movie because it was great.

What else happened....?

I read this book called Silver Kiss. The author is the one who also wrote Blood & Cholcolate, but i forgot her name. Anyway, the book was amazing, but it was sad too. I loved it so.

Did i mention at all that i finally got ahold of a book i've been trying to get ahold of? Well, i did, it was The Chronicals of Vladimir Tod by Heather Brewer. I havent read the second one yet, but i'm waiting for it at the library. That series is great, no joke. (yes, its vampire)

OMG, theres this guy who likes me and i like him back, only problem is that i'm a freshman and he's a senior.....Help me!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Blog Entry # %

Sorry about that last post, i was pretty upset.

Anyway, i'm reading this book called Silver Kisses and so far its so cool. My brother recommended it to me and told me it was a good book, so yeah. It's a vampire book, of course, so yeah.

Speaking of vampires, my library is having a little vampire party where we can all dress like vampires and such. I cant wait!! its next month so i have plenty of time to buy my costume. uI already have like blood and stuff, but you know ;)

I got my band uniform for school and it is FUNNEH LOOKEN!! No joke! Acutally, the uniform is a joke, but thats not really the point. At our first game yesterday i wore my favorite striped socks under the pants, but then my teacher told us all to where black socks next time. He got a real kick outta my socks when i showed him. But we didnt get to play our halftime show because of the rain. I dont know if our team even won the game. Probably not, my team kind of sucks and we havent beaten this team in 20 years. But we scored first touchdown so at least we fought it.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Blog Entry # @

I dont know what to do, there was so much going on today, i actually cried. (i'm not trying to be tough, but i barely ever cry.) Most of it is confidentional, but some i might be able to tell.

Today i went out with my sister her boyfriend and some other friends. We were just out doing errands for my mother, and then my bro starts talking about...

i'm sorry, i cant say this. I'll keep something interesting later. Sorry for the sudden stop-ness. I'm too upset now to finish anyway

Monday, September 8, 2008

Blog Entry # ?

I finally have my own digital camera. It was my sisters old one so its not all 'Hey, yeah, I'm new and better then you,' in fact, it sucks. But it's mine and its all i have at the moment. It'll do for now anyway. The camera took the new picture of me near my About Me section....i told you it was horrible.

My bro told me that a boy that sits with us in the morning likes me and he will not tell me who!!! I am so frustrated at him!!! He did tell me one kid, who just likes me but apparently doesn't date...i dont talk to him at all even though we are in the same homeroom, but whatever, I just really want to know who the other kid is!! He said that my sister and my mother know him and that i talk to him all the time. But the only boy i talk to his Chris and he's gay! He said he will shake hands with him to let me know, but he'll probably do it when i'm not paying attention.

Got to go eat dinner now, more soon