Friday, October 3, 2008

Blog Entry # l (cont. 2)

okay, i sounded a little too overwhelmed...sorry....

my day? it was great. I went to school, had a good time, went home and i am now babysitting three small boys...

do i have a headache? HELL YEAH!!

but as long as i get paid. I have to pay for my own Halloween costume. Imma be a vampire (surprise surprise!) I already found the dress at K-Mart. it is only $25 and i cant wait to get paid. My face is already pale most of the time, so i dont need to use any fake crap. I still need to get fangs and i'm borrowing my sisters fishnets from when she was a vampire a few years ago. and he shoes. I need about $30 to get the whole costume and after today, i'll have ... 32, and if my mom goes to to the bank and give me the $20 she owes me, then i wont have to use my sisters shoes

i cant wait 'till ~~HALLOWEEN~~

1 comment:

Watching said...

Sorry about the headache... Your costume sounds cool though, I've never been a vampire for halloween before.