Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas everyone!

Current read: Suck It Up!

Those who get offended by me saying Merry Christmas, suck it up because the holiday first originated as Christian and so thats what its called! Plus, its not called Happy Holidays! No. Being politically correct may be a pain in the ass, but you know what; this is something i like being PC about!

Okay now that that's out of the way <33 I hope every person in the world had a great christmas. I got so many things and i'm greatful for them. I'm going with my father Saturday to get me a digital camera^^ Instead of buying me a bunch of little things, he just gets me one or two things that i really want. Which is cool. I cant wait. I got a bunch of iTunes gift cards ($85 worth) and i've already bought 2 CD's. Emilie Autumn's Enchant and Twilight Soundtrack. Enchant is still loading, but im listening to Twilight now. It's a good CD. Bella's Lullaby is so pretty.

Heh, even though it's vacation, my track coach wants to keep us in shape, so i still have practise my whole vacation. I only have 3 days off, Christmas eve, Christmas Day, and New Years Day. NoT even New Years Eve. Which sucks dreadfully *ANGER!* All well^^ i'll live.

Merry Christmas to all! And to all a Good Bite!

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