Saturday, February 14, 2009

No Title

Let's see, what has been happening in my oh so interesting life.......

Not much.

I decided to stay with my boyfriend and now i can barely think about leaving him. Me without him is like salad without dressing.....yeah, that was cheesey, so?

I'm at the Library now. I have nothing better to do until i go to my friends' big Valentine's Day sleepover. No boys allowed!!! It's an anti-romantic thing we're probably gonna do from now on. Just to have some girl time. Nothing serious.

Speaking of Valentines Day....HAPPY MUSHY MUSHY KISSY KISSY DAY!!!!

Yeah, i never was one for romance, then again, i was never one to have a boyfriend never know what might happen in your life. We're all still young.

My birthday was recently. I feel the same, actually. . . .I guess ageing will do that until your hit 30. . . .an age i am definatly dreading. . . .

What to say, What to....

Oh, if ANYBODY knows the ballad 'Scarbourogh Fair' PLEASE TELL ME!!! i asked so many people at my school (teachers included) an none of them knew about it!!!! I am so pissed off! I mention this because i am reading a book that was inspired by it. I haven't finished it... HELL, I'M NOT EVEN CLOSE!! but it is good. But i am so pissed because why doesn't anyone know about the classics!! It's not even that old.

Anyway, i bet people stopped reading this at my Valentines Greeting.

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