Monday, October 20, 2008

Blog Entry #<

Okay, I went out with Luke, but he was a major jerk. I don't even think he even liked me at all. When i told him we should just be friends, he was all, "Okay, whatever." I mean, i don't like him anymore, but he could have at least paused or sighed or something. Anyway, it doesn't matter. I like someone else (though i am not ready to date for a little longer^^) the only problem with this kid is that i'm known for hating him.....and i have no idea how to make friends.

My friend (i know, weird, isn't it?) said that in Algebra i sould just walk up to him and say "You are my new best friend" for the next week and a half, then start talking to him about my problems. I don't really know him, so being friends with him would make me a little better. I don't remember why i hated him, but i guess he's alright. So tomorrow i'm gonna be all "YO MY NEW BEST FRIEND, BITCH!" and call it a day. I'm known to be pretty silly in Algebra anyway, so this won't be anything new to any of the classmates.....except maybe the kid i like.

i need a hobby....

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Blog Entry # &

I've been feeling really weird lately.....

Like, I've been hearing voices (they actually talk to me), I've been feeling really depressed, and I seem to be doing better in school (my mom still thinks i could do better.) I haven't been crying as much, but I just don't seem to care anymore. I am actually reading a new book called Lord Loss by Darren Shan and I'm still bored. Nothing is entertaining me and i just feel....empty.

Is this what it's like to be in a relationship? I like him and i don't feel this empty around him, but when we're separated i just feel so bored with nothing to do. I don't LOVE him at all, but i guess i just need the company...

Then again, it is that time of month....

Friday, October 3, 2008

Blog Entry # l (cont. 2)

okay, i sounded a little too overwhelmed...sorry....

my day? it was great. I went to school, had a good time, went home and i am now babysitting three small boys...

do i have a headache? HELL YEAH!!

but as long as i get paid. I have to pay for my own Halloween costume. Imma be a vampire (surprise surprise!) I already found the dress at K-Mart. it is only $25 and i cant wait to get paid. My face is already pale most of the time, so i dont need to use any fake crap. I still need to get fangs and i'm borrowing my sisters fishnets from when she was a vampire a few years ago. and he shoes. I need about $30 to get the whole costume and after today, i'll have ... 32, and if my mom goes to to the bank and give me the $20 she owes me, then i wont have to use my sisters shoes

i cant wait 'till ~~HALLOWEEN~~

Blog Entry # l (cont.)

OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blog Entry # l

I told him that i liked him.........

i am blushing RED!!!! i am talking to him on myspace right now......g2g, he responded

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Blog Entry # *

Okay, i have finally come to my senses about the guy who liked me.

but now theres another....

Don't think of me to be someone who just drops one person and goes to another, because i'm not like that. The senior is...well....older then me and it would never work.

My new crush is a freshman, but he stayed back a year. He is so cool. He's a bit....((how do i put this delicately)) i dont know how to explain it, but i do like him and he gives the best hugs ;)

*sigh* but he thinks hes ugly, im talking to him right now saying that he is very good-looking.

We have a lot in common because i think i'm fat.

My friend thinks we make a cute couple because he was hugging me in Robitics Club today.

Oh yeah, i'm in Robitics Club by the way. My crush is in it and he was sharing a seat with me and all and *dreamy sigh*

i dont know if he likes me though. I think he flirts with me and i flirt back.